Prof Julia Scarisbrick


Prof Julia Scarisbrick

University Hospital Birmingham, UK
Therapeutic Areas of interest:
ECP in Dermatologic Diseases


  • Co-author of the European dermatology forum: Updated guidelines on the use of extracorporeal photopheresis, 2020
  • Author of The PROCLIPI international registry, an important tool to evaluate the prognosis of cutaneous T cell lymphomas, 2022
  • Co-author of The Role of Extracorporeal Photopheresis in the management of Cutaneous T – Cell Lymphoma, Graft versus Host Disease and Organ Transplant Rejection: A consensus statement update from the UK Photopheresis Society, 2017
  • Expert in the usage of ECP for CTCL (evidence, guidelines, and novel tools to measure response)


  • Prof Scarisbrick is Consultant Dermatologist at the University Hospital Birmingham and leads the Cutaneous Lymphoma Service
  • She holds an Honorary Chair at the University of Birmingham in the Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy
  • Her research interest is focused on both clinical and molecular research fields for cutaneous lymphoma, she has a successful translational research program, and is involved in the development and delivery of both academic and commercial clinical studies
  • She is Past Chairperson of the EORTC Cutaneous Lymphoma Group, European Director for Cutaneous Lymphoma International Consortium, Trustee and Past Chairperson for the UK Photopheresis Society, Secretary and Chair Elect for the International Society of Cutaneous Lymphoma and Trustee for the UK Cutaneous Lymphoma Group (Past Chair).
  • She is involved in the development of clinical guidelines in cutaneous lymphoma, and ECP
  • In 2015 she was the Chairperson UK Expert of the Photopheresis Group coordinating research projects and developing guidelines (Former chairperson of the group btw 2015 – 2022)

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