Customer Support

Support from the moment you become a customer
Focused on solutions for you with the patient’s needs in mind. We provide technical and clinical support from the moment you become a customer.
What does this mean for you?

A direct and personalised line of communication with a Dedicated Customer Service Specialist ensures a prompt response to customer needs

A dedicated team of multi-lingual Customer Service Representatives
Supporting you throughout the journey
With our dedicated ONE team and range of training solutions the frontline user will feel confident delivering ECP Immunomodulation to patients. Our support to you includes:
On-site initial training for nurses, ECP specialists, physicians and other HCPs
Periodic on-site training to maintain confidence in delivering immunomodulation
Constant on-site procedural support, including bespoke training for treating special patient populations
Multilingual hotline offering rapid support and troubleshooting services from the same experts who visit you on-site
We listen to customer feedback to ensure that our fully integrated ECP systems are evolving to meet customer needs
Access for operators of all experience levels to a range of product, training, and educational materials
Maintenance & Technical Support as and when you need it
Our dedicated team of service engineers and support staff have unique experience on the THERAKOS System and can help you get the most out of your system. As well as system installation, maintenance and upgrade support, the team will perform scheduled and preventative maintenance, as well as on-site repair when needed.*
*Usually within 24 hours for critical repairs Mon–Fri, and as agreed for non-critical repairs.
ECP, extracorporeal photopheresis; GMT, Greenwich Mean Time.

Our multi-lingual Customer Service Team are available as follows:
- Customer Service Team from 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (GMT+1)
- Technical and Clinical Service Team from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (GMT+1)
For enquiries relating to instrument support, training, maintenance, and installation, please contact the hotline at:
International toll-free: 00800 84372567 (Accessible from most countries in Europe and The Middle East)

Support in English:
0808 238 6011 (Toll-Free within the UK)
+44 208 338 0479
(For enquiries only)

Unterstützung auf Deutsch:
0800 181 1715 (Gebührenfreie Telefonnummer von Deutschland aus)
+49 61 097 009 318
(Nur für Informationsanfragen)

Support en français:
(Pour demande seulement)

Supporto in italiano:
800 149 844 (Numero verde gratuito dall’Italia)
(Solo per richiesta di informazioni)

Asistencia en español:
(Solo para consultas)
For enquiries relating to product orders, deliveries or invoicing please contact us at:
For billing enquiries please contact

Support in English:
0800 069 8136 (Toll-Free within the UK)
+44 208 338 0479

Unterstützung auf Deutsch:
0800 723 9486 (Gebührenfreie Telefonnummer von Deutschland aus)
+49 69 5060 6793 /
+49 69 5060 6794

Support en français:
080 508 2214
(Appel gratuit depuis la France) -
+33 18 020 6913

Supporto in italiano:
800 684 170 (Numero verde gratuito dall’Italia)
+39 06 9318 8019

Asistencia en español:
To report an adverse event please contact us at:
International freephone: 00800 84372567 (Available from most countries in Europe and Middle East and Africa)
Or contact us at

Support in English:
Within the UK:

Unterstützung auf Deutsch:
Innerhalb Deutschland:

Support en français:

Supporto in italiano:
All’interno dell’Italia:

Asistencia en español:
Dentro de España:
For medical enquiries please contact us at
General Enquires
You can get in touch with us by using the form or calling us at:
+44 1784 614060
This request form is provided for your convenience to submit an enquiry directly to Therakos. This form is not intended to be used to report a product complaint, adverse event or to request immediate assistance with a patient treatment. No patient identifiable information should ever be included in this form.