Prof Robert Zeiser


Prof Robert Zeiser

Hematology, Immunology
Therapeutic Areas of interest:
University Hospital Freiburg


  • Co-Author of several publications on ECP among other immunomodulatory therapeutic options to treat acute and chronic GvHD
  • Co-Author of a publication on Ruxolitinib-ECP combination treatment for chronic GvHD
  • Expert in mechanism of action of GvHD related to ECP


  • Prof Zeiser is full Professor of Medicine and Director of the Division of Tumor Immunology at the Department of Hematology, Oncology, and Stem-Cell Transplantation at the Medical Center University of Freiburg in Freiburg, Germany
  • His work can be divided into clinical responsibilities, clinical and laboratory-based research, and teaching activities. His laboratory research is focused on graft-versus-host disease, tumor biology, in vivo imaging, and signaling. He serves as clinician with a focus on immunotherapy for cancer and allogeneic stem cell transplantation for leukemia
  • He is the speaker of the Collaborative Research Center 1479 OncoEscape (SFB1479)
  • He has served as a reviewer for Science, Nature Medicine, Nature Immunology, Nature Methods, Nat. Reviews Immunology, and others. He is Section Editor of the Journal Blood.
  • He is part of the Costem Faculty

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