Harness their
natural strength1,2
Consider ECP to modulate their
dysregulated immune system and support
them beyond just symptom control*3-6
*THERAKOS ECP Immunomodulation™ employs the patient's own immune cells to modulate disregulated immune function1-5,7-10.
The exact mechanism of action (MOA) of the photosensitising agent is unknown. Individual results may vary.
Harness their natural strength
What do you get when you choose THERAKOS ECP Immunomodulation™?
ECP Strength
- Evidence-based Treatment11-19
- Immunomodulation3-5
- Cost-effectiveness21-24
- CELLEX™ System Performance25,26
- Validated Technology11,26,27
- Patient & Customer Focus
- Access & Delivery Support
- The Therakos Institute

Therakos ECP Immunomodulation™
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THERAKOS™ CELLEX™ Photopheresis System
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